What could be more central to Canadian society than our national anthem?
This exhibit of outstanding art from across the country gives us an opportunity to reflect upon the meaning of words that are integral to our sense of citizenship – words like ‘home’ and ‘land’. The artists whose works are gathered here have thought deeply about these concepts and their works offer us different ways to think about Canadian identity.
This exhibit was on display at the Canadian Language Museum from October 5-December 7, 2023. It will be travelling to Tokyo, Japan to be exhibited at the Canadian embassy there in summer 2024.
The Canadian Language Museum encourages you to engage thoughtfully with these artworks and to participate in this debate. Participate in the O Canada survey.

Exhibit Launch!
We launched the Canadian premiere of Anthem at the Museum on October 5, 2023.
Thank you to the artists who were able to attend in person, and all our speakers, including Don Valley West MP Robert Oliphant and Glendon Principal Marco Fiola. The Chair of the Museum’s Board of Directors Lyse Hébert opened the Remarks with a Land Acknowledgment; and exhibit curator and participating artist Derek Besant spoke about the initiation of the exhibit and the multilingualism of the anthem while reflecting on Canada and its diversity.